What is your vision of participation in ABW? What is your vision of participation in ABW? What is your vision of participation in ABW? What is your vision of participation in ABW? What is your vision of participation in ABW? What is your vision of participation in ABW? What is your vision of participation in ABW? What is your vision of participation in ABW? What is your vision of participation in ABW?
Nations, religions, workplaces, classes, families or couples – our world is dominated by social groupings that have one thing in common: if we don’t belong to them automatically, we are pushed into them. Nation-states, capitalism and other power structures lock us into unbearable social bubbles beyond the boundaries of which maintaining contacts – let alone ties – is extremely difficult. And even if we manage to get out of any of them, we often encounter a relationship-desert. There are very few alternatives to the mainstream coercive communities, and those that do exist are just another bubble – and often not much better from the rest. All of this imbues us with a toxic attachment to (self-)destructive forms of human togetherness – we simply have no other options. Staying in those bubbles makes any radical reimagining of our relations completely impossible.
We want to turn this bookfair into an impulse to get a taste of being with others in a radically different way; to try to defy what we’ve been assigned to and pushed into. Instead of creating another bubble, let’s collectively get out, at least for a moment, of all the social vicious circles. Move beyond who we are on a daily basis in this gendered, class- and age-divided society, and together step out into a radically open space, rich in potential relationships and bonds. Feel that it’s possible to be together differently. This is where action against the existing reality often begins, and this is what we need to deal with the devastating effects of hegemonic communities: ongoing ecocide, wars, states and so much more
In this process – both the preparations and the bookfair itself – we’d like not to assume anything about who we are, why we’re co-making it and, finally, why we’re attending it. Each step of this process is first of all meant to help us just encounter each other, and then do something with it!; feel the possibilities and potential that come out of this togetherness of ours, and to be able to weave something interesting out of it: something greater than us in which we see ourselves – while remaining autonomous – and feel that more is possible because of it.
Maybe even turning the world upside down.
And so we incite all to contribute something that can be a flash point for such communitization, breaking us out of our roles, allowing us to truly meet, and take it in interesting directions. Various folx already demonstrated that a forest or a criminal irrigation reservoir may be such a flash point; for us it could be a shared space, skills, zines, art, stories, conversations and knowledge. Let us then think about how all of this – and anything else we can enrich the event with – can be used to escape or destroy the limitations of our society (because it surely somehow can!), and let’s conduct a large-scale experiment in communitization.
An experiment that will spark others,
beyond the boundaries of countries,
social groups and milieus.
For autonomy and different togetherness!
A fair that we will fill with art, radical (anti-)political literature, interesting encounters and everything else that will draw us into a common space. Free admission and entry!
In PROZA club, Tajne Komplety bookstore and in Księgarnia Hiszpańska…
…and that’s not all! take a look at our map!
2nd – 3rd September 2023
Saturday: 13:00-19:00
Sunday: 11:00-17:00
On Saturday, the space will be open for preparations at 12:00, you’re welcome to come by!
an event…
…create the soundtrack?…
…or something else?
This is an invitation to complicity; to create this bookfair not „with us,” – with some collective – but as the same part of a broader „we,” as the one writing these words, with a sense of truly being a part of the event. „We” is first and foremost a promise that this section will grow, along with the bookfair’s richness.
(This list will be regularly updated)
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